
Technical Papers


"FIREX™ Case Study Black Brant"

"FIREX™ Case Study European Space Program"

"FIREX™ Intumescent Fire Retardant Coatings"

“FIREX™ RX2390Test and Model Results”, Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC)

Minteq Firex Case Study Agricultural Vehicle Fuel Tank Protection

Minteq Firex Case Study ATM Protection

Minteq Firex Case Study Electric Conduit Protection

U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC)

Reynolds, R. A., Russell, G. W., Nourse, R. N., "Ablation Performance Characterization of Thermal Protection Materials for High Speed Tactical Missiles Using a Mach 4.4 Sled Test", AIAA paper 92-3055

Russell, G. W., Strobel, F., "Modeling Approach for Intumescing Charring Heatshield Materials", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 43, No. 4, July-August 2006

Williams, J.D., Johnson, M.L., Williams, D.D., "Differential Sputterting Behavior of Pyrolytic Graphite and Carbon-Carbon Composite Under Xenon Bombardment", AIAA-2004-3788, July 11-14, 2004

"Differential Sputtering Behavior of PG and CC ComposIte Under Xenon Bombardment" AIAA-2004-3788

Doerner, R.P., Whyte, D.G., Goebel, D.M., "Sputtering Yield Measurements During Low Energy Xenon Plasma Bombardment" VOLUME 93, NUMBER 9, May 1, 2003

Snyder, J.S., Brophy, J.R., Goebel, D.M., Beatty, J.S., DePano, M.K., "Development and Testing of Carbon-based Ion Optics for 30-CM Ion Thrusters", AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 2003-4716 July 2-23, 2003



Lemak, R.J., Moskaitis, R.J., Nogami, Y., Chikuba, K., "High Performance Pyrolytic Graphite Composite Heat Spreaders", November 7-9, 2011


PYROID HT Pyrolytic Graphite Thermal Management Material Heat Sink Application

Moskaitis, R.J., Lemak, R.J., Pickrell, D., "High Performance Pyrolytic Graphite Heat Spreaders" (IMAPS), February 3, 2010

Lemak, R.J., "High Performance Pyrolytic Graphite Composite Heat Spreaders", International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), November 7-9, 2011

Lemak, R. J., Moskaitis, R. J., Pickrell, D., Yocum, A. M., Kupp, D., "High Performance Pyrolytic Graphite Heat Spreaders Near Isotropic Structures and Metallization" (IMAPS), October 13-16, 2008


Lemak, R. J., “Pyrolytic Graphite Heat Spreader Options for High Performance Embedded Components and Systems”, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), September 11-13, 2006


Pyrogenics Group